Build Websites Communities Courses Memberships
With Our Drag & Drop Editor

Build websites, communities, sell memberships, grow your course sales and create an affiliate program.
It’s all possible on Sigma Website Design.
You’ll own your community and your members can access it across every platform, under your own brand.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

The freedom of
Sigma Website Design

Build Professional Websites

Live Editing
Build and customize every part of your website visually
without having to write a single line of code.

Pixel-Perfect Design
Create your dream website with responsive design,
custom positioning for all site elements, and global fonts and colors.

Powerful Assets
With more than 90 incredible widgets and 300+ templates,
you can create any type of website you can imagine.

Create Websites
in Real Time

View your website as you build it. Drag and drop any widget onto your canvas. Zero coding required. You get an SEO-powered website with unlimited pages that load at lightning speed. Also – because we leverage the power of WordPress, your site can outrank your competition!

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Experience Responsive Design

Adjust your website’s style and layout for every screen. Customize breakpoints for desktop, mobile, tablet, and more.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Custom Positioning

Get full flexibility over your layouts and go off-grid with Fixed or Absolute Position. Drag and drop each element to its desired spot.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Global Colors & Typography

Improve your workflow and ensure there’s consistency across your website by setting color codes and typographies, all from one place.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Margins & Padding

Seamlessly adjust your margins and paddings. Create complex layouts with overlapping sections for even more design freedom.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Endless Creation Possibilities

Get complete creative freedom over your website and bring your vision to life with 90+ powerful widgets.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Optimal Page Speed & Performance

Sigma Website Design is optimized for loading time and performance, providing your visitors with the ultimate user experience.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Fully-Open Source

Open source is a key principle for us, so you have full access to our source code.

Create advanced web pages with custom CSS and expand Sigma Website Design’s abilities by programming your own functionalities using our developer API.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Centralize Your Design Process

Work more efficiently with Sigma Website Design. Choose from a variety of pre-designed templates and set global colors & typographies across pages to create faster and more consistent.

Sigma Website Design | Startup

Build Websites Communities Courses Memberships
With Our Drag & Drop Editor

Sigma Website Design | Startup

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